Unlock Children's Potential (9-15 y.o.)
Every child is born as an original with a plenty of talents and strengths. Unfortunately, the classic school often does not develop strengths and focuses rather on weaknesses and elimination of mistakes.
Every child is a genius, let’s discover their hidden talents
Every child is born as an original with a plenty of talents and strengths. Unfortunately, the classic school often does not develop strengths and focuses rather on weaknesses and elimination of mistakes. It is important to help children find their talents, to encourage their development and to teach them how to use them effectively.
Why is there not a full development and use of the human potential?
These four basic mistakes are committed by parents and their children:
1) They are trying too much to improve weaknesses and forget about their strengths.
2) Creating a plan of what to do and how to do it replaces the question of a personal mission - why they will do it.
3) They try to drive time instead of controlling their energy.
4) They focus primarily on success instead of experiencing happiness on their way to success.
Katka and Jan will speak about these topics:
o The positive psychology and the functioning of our brain
o Talents, strengths and how to find them
o Energy, motivation, inspiration and how to work with them at a young age
o School vs. innovation etc.
Unlock Children’s potential course summary
This course will help children understand their talents and how they can be used during development
in future work and personal life. The theoretical part is accompanied by many examples from
practice not only from work but also from personal life.
In the first part of the course you will gain theoretic knowledge in the following areas:
- The positive psychology and the functioning of our brain
- The search for the true self, its authenticity and its exceptional character
- Energy, motivation, inspiration and how to work with them at a young age
- School vs. innovation and technology
- The nature of a personal mission
- Mental toughness
With unique talents and abilities we work in the second part of the seminar by:
- A proven Gallup Strengths Explorer test and its final analysis
- Individual practical exercises with talents
- Personal consultations, passing on their own experiences and examples from practice
For whom the course is intended
The Unlock Children's Potential course is designed primarily for children between 10-14 years accompanied by their parents. However, older (14-16 years) and younger (8-10 years) children may also take part. The seminar is all-day, so we leave it purely to parents to consider whether younger children will be able to concentrate throughout the course.
Jan Mühlfeit
- worked for Microsoft for 22 years, including 15 years in global leadership team , most recently as Chairman Europe, Microsoft Corporation
- lectures at international companies, Harvard, INSEAD, Cambridge, Imperial College and MIT
- coaching top managers, Olympic game winners, artists, doctors and children from foster homes
- interviewed by CNN, Bloomberg, CNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, La Tribune, WSJ
- has his own program on the You radio called Premier League of Thinking
- regularly writes a column for The Huffington Post
- Author of bestseller The Positive Leader (published in PEARSON by the Financial Times Publishing in October 2016)
- he has show with Katka on radio Frekvence 1 (“Tipy pro chytré rodiče”)
Kateřina Novotná
- graduated from University of Economics in Prague, Arts Management - her diploma thesis was devoted to the development of childhood creativity at pre-school age
- studied for several months in New York City
- has been working with children in preschool and school age for over 10 years
- also has work experience in online marketing and graphic design
- is a co-author of the Unlock Children's Potential project
- has undergone coaching training under the direction of Jan Mühlfeit
- is a member of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School affiliate
- also deals with Canistherapy

Price: 250 GBP exl. VAT
The course price includes:
- Full-day course for 2 people (1 parent + 1 child)
- A purchase access code for the talent test
- The resulting report (top 3 talents), a handbook for parents and a workbook for children
- Other materials for developing child’s talents
Every other member of the family: + 50 GBP exl. VAT
Capacity of the course: 15-20 children (+ parents)
NEW BOOK: Unlock Children's Potential
Discover the talents of your children and help them develop their strengths. The book Unlock Children's Potential, which Jan Mühlfeit and Katka Novotná prepared together, will help you in your quest for self-knowledge and knowledge of your children. You will discover why it is important to help children discover their talents, encourage them to develop their strengths or build confidence.

Jan Mühlfeit
Jan Mühlfeit is a global strategist, coach of executive, Olympic games winners and author of bestselling business book The Positive Leader.
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Kateřina Novotná
Lecturer and co-author of Unlock Children's Potential. In addition to workshops dedicated to children and parents, she also devotes herself to conducting student courses or lectures and workshops for parents, teachers, coaches and schools.
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